Tag Archives: ethics

Insider Trading

Megan McArdle suggests that insider trading may be a “victimless” crime: Of course, if our insider buys shares, someone else doesn’t get them … but there’s no way of knowing whether that person would have held on to the stock … Continue reading

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More Handouts for the 1% (i.e. Salman Rushdie and Michael Moore)

Salman Rushdie, joined by Michael Moore and 45,000 others, have signed an online petition to ask Jamshed Bharacha, the president of the Cooper Union (a private school in New York City), to reverse his decision to raise the monthly rent … Continue reading

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The Unaddressed Question

Sam Harris, in a followup post defending his call to use taxes to reduce income inequality, complains that his rich readers foolishly give themselves credit for their own well-being, failing to see that, in large part, they have other factors … Continue reading

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Moral Absolutes

I just read an essay by a guy named Jeremy Waldron who discusses “moral absolutes,” and attempts to defend his own “absolute” position against torture, i.e. the view that torture is always morally wrong, no matter the circumstances. He identifies … Continue reading

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Illegality of Blackmail (a test)

I’ve finished Leo Katz’s book. The basic question of the book is “Why is blackmail illegal?” It seems odd that it is illegal — so odd that lawyers have coined the term “The Paradox of Blackmail.” Consider the standard case: … Continue reading

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Is what a politician does with his animals his own business?

Some people (for convenience, I’ll use the word “liberals” to refer to those people) argued in the wake of the Weiner scandal that politicians’ personal lives should not be our concern. They can’t really believe that, though. Suppose a politician … Continue reading

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“Statistical Evidence Paradox”: bogus

Here is a criminal law version of [a] problem. Defendants are both hunters. They recklessly fire bullets in a direction where they heard a rustle even though they have good grounds for fearing that the rustle might have been caused … Continue reading

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Chris Christie: a Sinner

According to Chris Christie’s wife, “her husband’s family responsibilities preclude a run for the presidency.” According to many Republicans, Christie represents our country’s best hope for getting off of the path to ruin that Obama has charted for us. And … Continue reading

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“Forgiveness”: A non-sequitur?

I’m reading the book Ill-gotten Gains: Evasion, Blackmail, Fraud, and Kindred Puzzles of the Law by Leo Katz, and so far the book has been an interesting exploration of the question of whether and why it may be ok for 2 … Continue reading

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